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Mass exodus in the capitalist state of India leads to "Ghar Wapsi" of several migrant workers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh..!

Last week a 14 month baby girl was raped in the village of the Gujarat. This grisly and inhuman incident should be condemned. Unfortunately the accused is from Bihar, resulting a black spot on the pride of the Bihar.Reaction seen to this incident resulting to attack on many north indian worker.According to reports Migrant workers who worked as a street vendor selling pani puri,Pav Bhaji, Chole kulche food in their stalls have been targeted. After the incidents most of these migrant workers have vanished and Street of towns in Gujarat have became empty. With their belongings they have returned to railway station to take a train back to Bihar and up.Trends have been also noticed that hate messages are flooded on the social media against the people north indian.which further resulted into stretching tension gap and tussle between Northern states and beyond Vindhyas. The game of dirty politics has began, the rape victim was from Thakor community. Congress MLA Alpesh Thakor allegedly given a hate speech which enraged the thakor community's emotions against the migrant workers.

But here question arises why we Bihari are easily targeted always? Because we belong to backward state, we are used to get surpressed in other states of India. This is not the first time that whole Bihari community have been victimised. Why the entire community is made a scapegoat of the crime and entire people should not be generalized and hold a grouse against an entire state. Is this the justice for a crime of one person other should not be attacked. There is clear cut violation of constitution can be seen in the state of Gujarat. Article 15 of the Indian Constitution provides that the state shall not discriminate against any Citizen on ground only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. We can easily analyse after this incident that 'rule of law'is not established in state of Gujarat. That means absence of arbitrary power there is no man can punished except for a breach of law. In fact serious case of violation of fundamental right can be noticed here.
Bihar and Gujarat both States have glorified history. Although culture of these two states are different but We should not forget that culturally these two States are very much intacted from the time of ancient Indian history to Modern era.After independence In middle seventies these two States where the hit centres during JP movement and that was the main reason that in general elections of 1977 Indira government was toppled. Gujarat is the land of Gandhi or we can say it's the land of 'ahimsa'. But recently whatever happened is not justified. Bihar the place of Mahavira and buddha, perhaps we all know Gujarati's are the great patrons of jaina's. We always pays respect to Gujarati's because we are teached that guest is God and in India it is often said that 'Atithi Devo Bhava'. In medieval phase Gujarat was the hit centre of plunder by foreign invaders. Undoubtedly Gujarat has built themselves self sufficient but it doesn't mean that they will surpress the people of other backward indian state like Bihar and up just because we are socio economic backwards with low capability to generate adequate income from available resources.
We all know that Bihar is a poor state and there is a mass migration Bihari worker to other capitalist states of India in seek of employment to have a dignified livelihood. But it's totally failure of a state government machinery. We have been deceived on the name of the development. Still also we have not arranged a proper means of livelihood for Poor workers in Bihar. In last 1.5 decade the Chief Minister of Bihar just seeking toward centre for granting Bihar special category status States but unfortunately no development couldn't take place yet.whatever development we have seen in the recent past is nothing more than the gradual development which can be noticed in third world Nations also. The famous scam scheme of UPA government MNREGA is just a rummble game in Bihar. Once upon a time Bihar was the centre of knowledge, education but now it's known for labour producing in the form of skilled and unskilled because of no infrastructural development in recent past. Recently undp released a report in which Bihar was considered as the most backward and poorest state among the other states of India. The way of calculation was based on the multidimensional poverty index.The MPI looks beyond income to understand how people experience poverty in multiple and simultaneous ways. It identifies how people are being left behind across three key dimensions: health, education and living standards, and 10 indicators – nutrition, child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, sanitation, cooking fuel, drinking water, electricity, housing and assets. Those who are deprived in at least a third of the MPI’s components are defined as multidimensionally poor.
Gujarat which considered themselves as the most advanced capitalist state. All three sectors either primary,secondary and tertiary can be noticed here on the path of development. Specially if we talk about secondary sector there is the great boom in industrial development. Perhaps we all know that development in secondary sector requires cheap labour availability.
The Economic Survey 2017 has bought new evidence to indicate that Indians are much more mobile then it was generally believed, especially in the case of Bihari migrants. Which income from agriculture falling and being increasingly unreliable there is a massive outflow of labour in Bihar. Migrants specially the poor face roadblocks in their own country even though they are legimate citizens. Migrant workers are mostly informal employment across sectors and industries. Labour mobility has a positive effect on the economy because they are engaged in the construction,industries, domestic works ,Textiles, mines and quarries,agriculture ,food processing and others. The rising contribution of Metropolitan cities in India's GDP would not be possible without migration and migrant workers.Even we all know that the backbone of the green revolution in punjab,haryana and western UP was actually migrant labour. Migrants also take their skills and knoeledge back with them generally called social which also lead to intermixing of different cultures. rising incomes migrants remmitances also encourages investment in human capital formation.There is a positive outcome of migration that it provide an opportunity to escape caste divisions and restrictive social norms.Bihari migrants returned with renewed social attitudes and act as a channel of knowledge.
Gujarat should learn moral and ethical values from other capitalist Indian states like kerala where a scheme which treats migrant welfare as the duty of the state.It offers for the treatment of migrants, grants for their children's education in the state and also provide retirement benefits to those who have completed 5 years under this scheme. Another state karnataka ensures that all migrant pregnant movement ,lactating mothers and young children get nutrition benefits under the Mathru Poorna scheme. Way forward India must safeguard the right of internal migrants. The central government must now take note of mobility and make social and political rights portable. This means people should not lose their rights they have been in the localities of origin when they move and share in the same rights as held by others in their destination areas. The state rules in ensuring equality, basic dignity ,livelihood and providing minimum social security must be upheld. Promotion of public private partnership for safeguarding internal migration is must. The need of the hour is for the government to consider the needs of destruction of the economy and design special assistance for them. The bimaru states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha are very much dependent on the capitalist states of India. Vice versa developed and capital States requires Human Capital for development. There should be a common minimum program between such States indicating 'we need you and you need us' then only the overall development of a country can be achieved and in a long term it may be beneficial in the unity and integrity of the nation.
Kunal Bharti


  1. Koi naya baat bataiye sir ji.....Giving that same old wine in a new bottle will not serve the purpose.
    You have missed the solution part as well.


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