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CSRA Methodology


What actually Research is?

Research is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem. Policy Research, likewise, is an effort to address formulation and implementation related problems and come up with better solutions to mitigate the prevailing problem. Research also means getting an insight of what actually is happening, to identify the realistic path and to identify the loopholes in ongoing activity. Research is also done to get familiarity with a phenomenon and receive new insights into it. Research is also done to enhance accuracy and develop strong relation with goal. However, each research work has different variables and stakes.

Purpose of research

Research serves two main purposes. First, basic research is necessary to generate new knowledge and technologies to deal with major unresolved problems. Second, applied research is necessary to identify priority problems and to design and evaluate policies and programs that will deliver the greatest benefits, making optimal use of available resources.
Empirical research in the policy area can be qualitative or quantitative in nature. In most cases, policy research deals with information of quantitative nature. Whereas, qualitative research is a type of formative research that offers specialized techniques for obtaining in depth responses about what people think and how they feel. It enables program management to gain insight into attitudes, beliefs, motives and behaviors of the target population. By its very nature, qualitative research deals with the emotional and contextual aspects of human response rather than with objective measurable behaviors and attitudes.

Statement of problem
In the process of describing the idea of research we must outline the general and specific problems being faced by the people in the region we are supposed to conduct the whole evaluation. So, one must have knowledge and understanding of variable issues, demography and terrain etc. for a purposeful research work.


Sampling is the process involving the selection of a finite number of elements from a given population of interest, for purposes of inquiry. A sample is a representative part of a population. In research it is not possible to study entire population. A decision is often made, therefore, to study only a small fraction of the population, or a “sample” of it, from which conclusions can be drawn about the whole population. A sample should possess certain characteristics as needed for conducting the study.

Sample size

Estimating sample size is important because the size of the sample is one of the most important determinants of the accuracy of survey estimates. The sample collected will be as per suitability of the institution or as desirable for the work undertaken

Methods of Research surveys and Data collection

Sample surveying has become core to the idea of locating the inherited trends of consumers and people in common. This is intervened by range of techniques from ground in-person interviews, Telephonic interviews, online interviews and sample collection.

In-Person interviewing-

This is the most viable mode of surveying to understand the Aspirations of the people. This creates a serious correlation between the respondents and organization. In this segment one can also read the seriousness of the individual by his remarks and expressions occurring on faces. This tends to generate belief and trust between the two. CSRA has competent team of 100 field executives who are extremely qualified in questionnaire based in-person modules of surveying and data collection from the field. These executives have been qualitatively trained to reach even the remotest ground to bring samples as desired and required. This team works under leadership of our field supervisor. The team has well equipped latest mobile phones having recent software that loads data straight as they are filled from the ground in excel sheet.

Telephonic interviews-

This technique has wide reach out today in methods of sampling and data collection. In the age of technology we see that every person carry mobile phone with his/her personal number. This methodology is being implemented by Data collection agencies. However this process has one serious limitation that people in common refrain from sharing personal data and ideas about what they are asked for? The lack of emotional connect with the respondents creates trust deficit which results in erroneous responses and hence, the data collected requires greater data quality checks (DQC) and data enhancement procedure (data cleansing, missing value treatment, etc. People in common do not generate belief on mobile calls hence their answer cannot be very empirical and inference may not be very true. CSRA has competent back office planning and call centre for this kind of surveying backed by data integrity team to ensure the accuracy of collected samples

Online interviews-

This technique has emerged spontaneously and has become widely used method in sampling and data collection. CSRA has competent publicity mangers to meet this kind of surveying and data collection. Since the answers are limited to few words or in a form of questionnaire, this method is more empirical compared to telephonic interviews. CSRA has developed a centre loaded with 150 computers having internet facilities to meet this work as per demand.

CSRA Methodology

CSRA has competitive framework to take up the challenge of sustainable research works in Bihar and Jharkhand. We have set of Research Associates from different educational background who understands the framework of questionnaire based Research Methodology and interconnected issues of policy formulation and implementation. We also have set of extremely experienced and technologically sophisticated group of field executives who have worked in almost every region of India on different issues ranging from Psephological studies to Health, Education, Economic and Market surveys.

Questionnaire based study

The whole study will be centric to one to one individual interaction based, questioning them about different aspects on the issue undertaken. The modules of questionnaire will comprehend each aspect we want to evaluate as discussed earlier.
The methodology of evaluation will take into account two important interventions.

Quantitative Analysis

By using range of advanced methodology in carrying out quantitative analysis which comprises of questionnaire based sampling from the grass root level. The whole mechanism is done by a well trained and genuinely acknowledged field researches that have knowledge and expertise in the area. Along with data collection from the field survey this quantitative study also incorporates telephonic surveys, electronic or internet based surveys which are either random, systematic or stratified, but purposive and empirical. The collected census comprises of distinct caste/class which gives a deep understanding of the existing problems and finding out its solutions.

Qualitative Analysis

The collected quantitative data is put to scrutiny and involves systematic intersection and timely intervention of socio-political theories. A team of spirited, enlightened and immensely capable theorist will study the whole database as collected from field or via electronic and telephonic medium and derive at the synthesis. The synthesis inference collaterally catalyses the policies in operation or generates new ideas to act upon by sketching a new public policy qualitatively.
Variable samples

Our specific research needs a composite number of samples to conclude the inference varying from all sections of the society. Based upon a difficult problem on which we have to work requires a systematic action plan and coherent understanding of the issues. Policy impacts every citizen in some or the other way hence the sample selection has to be collected from, Every Section, Each Sex, Each Age Group and Each Class who has ever or is at present availing the services. Therefore, at one instance where sample will be particular whereas on another plank it will be random and stratified in its onus. However, selection of sampling techniques (random, stratified, biased, etc) will be dependent on the objectives of the research.

Work plan

The project along with the team will be under the supervision of Santosh Pathak, Secretary of CSRA. A well versed team from socio-political research group who are alumnus of Jawaharlal Nehru University and University of Delhi, University of Hyderabad will follow and manage the whole process.

Time frame

The Evaluation process has to operate within a feasible time frame. Maintaining the time frame is the matter of ethics in our work area. We propose to maintain the time frame as allocated by our donors.

Pictorial/video validation of study

Hundreds of videos and thousands of pictorial graphs will be collected and presented for donors in order to validate the survey which will be taken while conducting the field study.

Profiles of CSRA Team Work Area Name of Researcher/Faculty/Institution/Qualification

  • ·         Political & Development Economy

1) Amit Mishra
Graduation- Kanpur University
Post Graduation- IGNOU
Ex Banker with HDFC /ICICI as Senior Manger
Member- Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
Member – Indian Commerce institution
Currently pursuing PHD on Microfinance institutions with Patna University
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

2) Shishu Ranjan
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation- University of Hyderabad
Ex Senior Economic Analyst with HSBC Bank
Currently Working with Price WaterHouse Coopers as Senior Economic Analyst
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

  • ·         Politics & Political Processes

1) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

2) Saurabh Dubey
Graduation- Allahabad University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant Professor at Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi
Advisory Board of CSRA

3) Amit Singh
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant Professor at Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam College, University of Delhi
Advisory Board CSRA

  • ·         History & Historical Traces

1) Kundan Singh
Graduation- Allahabad University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University (Pursuing)
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

2) Vivek Singh
Graduation- Allahabad University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant professor at Shaheed Bhagat Singh College( Ad HOC Basis)
Advisory Board CSRA

  • ·         Sociology & Sociological Imperatives

1) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

2) Ashish Kumar
Graduation- Patna University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant professor at Central University of Haryana
Advisory Board CSRA

  • ·         Rural Development and Caste Effect

1) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

2) Dr. Ranvijay Singh
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant professor at Central University of Jharkhand
Advisory Board CSRA

  • ·         Industrial Development

1) Shishu Ranjan
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation- University of Hyderabad
Ex Senior Economic Analyst with HSBC Bank
Currently Working with Price Water House Coopers as Senior Economic Analyst
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

2) Hemant Khachi
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation-University of Hyderabad
PHD- University of Hyderabad on Debt Structure on Rural credit market (Pursuing)
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

3) Sujeet Kumar
Graduation- Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Post Graduation- University of Hyderabad
Currently working with Union Bank of India as Manager Economics and Business strategy
Full time with CSRA support system

4) Rohit Ranjan
Graduation – Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Post Graduation- University of Hyderabad
Currently working with Smart Cube Consultancy firm
Full time with CSRA support system

  • ·         Law & Good Governance

1) Prabhat Kumar
Graduation- University fo Delhi
LLB- University of Delhi (CLC)
Advocate at Patna High court
Full Time with CSRA

2) Rukmani Joshi
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University (Centre for study of Law and Governance)
Currently working with Research institute on urban Government in India.
Full time with CSRA

3) Ajit Jha
Graduation- University of Delhi
Post Graduation- University of Hyderabad
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University (CSLG)
Currently with University of Delhi and selected for Assistant Professor in Tilka Manjhi University Bhagalpur
Full Time with CSRA

  • ·  Security Perspectives & Interrelated Issues-

1) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

2) Kundan Singh
Graduation- Allahabad University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University (Pursuing)
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

3) Vivek Singh
Graduation- Allahabad University
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently Assistant professor at Shaheed Bhagat Singh College( Ad HOC Basis)
Advisory Board CSRA

  • ·         Dalit & Minority Movement

1) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

2) Amit Mishra
Graduation- Kanpur University
Post Graduation- IGNOU
Ex Banker with HDFC /ICICI as Senior Manger
Member- Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
Member – Indian Commerce institution
Currently pursuing PHD on Microfinance institutions with Patna University
Full Time Engaged with CSRA

3) Asmit Kumar
Graduation- Patna University
LLB- Patna University
Full time with CSRA

  • ·         Agriculture & Agrarian Economy Research

1) Anil Singh
Graduation- Amrawati University (Mechanical Engineer)
Currently working with Nidaan on Hunger deaths in Aurangabad region of Bihar.
Agriculturist by profession and full time engaged with CSRA.

2) Kaushlesh Kumar Singh
Graduation- Bharth University (Civil Engineer)
Full time with CSRA

3) Asmit Kumar
Graduation- Patna University
LLB- Patna University
Full time with CSRA

  • ·         Urbanization, Sustainable Development & Environmental Issues

1) Dr. Rajesh Ranjan
Graduation- Patna University
Post-Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University (SES)
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University( SES)
Currently Assistant Professor with Central University of South Bihar
Full Time with CSRA as senior analyst

2) Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh
Graduation- Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Post-Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently working with Shantiniketan Universty West Bengal
Full Time with CSRA as Senior Analyst

3) Sandeep Gupta
Graduation- Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Post-Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
PHD- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Currently working with IGNOU as Regional Director
Full Time with CSRA as Senior Analyst

  • ·         Education, Public Health & Family Welfare

1) Dr. Ajeet Singh
Senior consultant with National Health Resource Centre
Member State Health Society, Bihar
Full Time CSRA

2) Santosh Pathak
Graduation- University Of Delhi
Post-Graduation- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Diploma in Journalism- Jamia Milia Islimia
Ex Senior Researcher with SPMRF
Ex Senior Research Associate with Viplav Communication
Currently full time engaged with CSRA and Global Integrative Solutions Pvt Ltd.

3) Amit Mishra
Graduation- Kanpur University
Post-Graduation- IGNOU
Ex Banker with HDFC /ICICI as Senior Manger
Member- Indian Institute of Banking and Finance
Member – Indian Commerce institution
Currently pursuing PHD on Microfinance institutions with Patna University
Full Time Engaged with CSRA


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