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India's Multiple Option to Retaliate Against Pakistan to Secure Peace in Jammu & Kashmir

ई0 कुणाल भारती (युवा उद्यमी)
Since the partition of British India in 1947 and creation of modern states of India and Pakistan, the two countries have been involved in a number of wars, conflicts and military stand-offs. Most of these wars and conflicts, despite being initiated by Pakistan, have ended up with defeat or disaster for Pakistan.The Kashmir issue has been the main cause of all major conflicts between the two countries with the exception of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 where conflict originated due to turmoil in erstwhile East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The recent attack on Indian armed forces led to death of more than 40 CRPF personnel in Jammu and Kashmir by a suicide bomber belonging to the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) militant group in Kashmir’s Pulwama district has put India and Pakistan into another confrontation. Pakistan has been waging proxy war through terrorism for last 3 decades which has mired its relationship with India. Subsequent to Pakistan's loss in Kargil conflict, there was a Ceasefire Agreement signed in 2003. However, Pakistan keeps on violating this agreement to infiltrate their trained terrorist which has resulted in killing and injuring security forces as well as civilians on both the sides.
Once former prime minister A.B.Vajpayee said that "we can change our friends but not our neighbours". Thus, India needs to have peaceful relationship with its neighbors in order to grow with rapid pace. With India and Pakistan both being two Nuclear States, any conflict can lead to a question mark on the existence of the subcontinent as well as the entire planet, especially with the border being ‘live’ almost all the time. With the regime change in India, contrary to expectation from PM Shri Narendra Modi of following hard line and staunch policy towards Pakistan, he forwarded the idea of ‘Neighborhood First’ policy, which was particularly aimed at improving relationships within the Indian Subcontinent.  However despite all the initiatives, there is always a breakdown in talks due to sabotage of peace initiative from Pakistan side using terrorist attacks on Indian establishments.  Modi led government has been flexible to all kind of response, which was exhibited as surgical strike to avenge the death of soldiers in Uri terrorist attack.

In retaliation of most recent attack on Indian armed forces by militants, India has not only withdrawn Most Favored Nation Status (MFN) from Pakistan, but has started campaign to completely isolate Pakistan internationally. Moreover, reportedly Indian “armed forces have been given a free hand to formulate appropriate retaliation strategies.” However, the subject of retaliation strategies is an approach that doesn’t necessarily call for an immediate military response and it can can take weeks and months to put in place a long-term plan to counter and deter such incidents. The option to carry out surgical strike done about two years ago is limited as Pakistan is much more alert and prepared for any such strike attempt. Therefore, India will have to explore other means to strike at Pakistan and choose one that hurt Pakistanis most.

In the era of globalization, economical isolation of Pakistan is one of the option which has potential to totally damage its entire administration & system. Pakistani economy is already in rough waters, dependent on rescue operation fianced by developed financial power like USA and China. Removing MFN status wouldn't hurt it too much as value of trade is not significant. But if India ensures zero international financial assistance to Pakistan, it definitely going to ruin their economic and political system. The tragic incident has taken place when the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad Bin Salman, is visiting both India and Pakistan. The visit adds an interesting twist to a situation, which has the potential to escalate to a major crisis between the two regional powers. The last thing Islamabad would want to do is to undermine a state-level visit from a powerful figure who is bringing billions of dollars’ worth of investments to Pakistan. While the leadership in India is planning a response to the incident, both New Delhi and Islamabad are likely to consider the presence of the crown prince as a significant factor when they devise the response measures in the coming week.

Undoubtedly china is helping Pakistan for it's strategical importance. China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a collection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan. Originally valued at $46 billion, the value of CPEC projects is worth $62 billion as of 2017. CPEC is intended to rapidly modernize Pakistani infrastructure and strengthen its economy by the construction of modern transportation networks, numerous energy projects, and special economic zones. Most prestigious and dream project of china is OBOR (one belt one road) initiative or silk road i.e the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road is a development strategy adopted by the Chinese government involving infrastructure development and investments in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. China has also constructed port in Gwadar in Balochistan province of Pakistan. This deep sea port in Arabian seas features prominently in the CPEC plan, and is considered to be a link between the ambitious One Belt, One Road and Maritime Silk Road projects. India needs to find ways to pressurize China in order to stop this project in Pakistan. Pressure from China's largest trading partner including US, UK, and Russia may be helpful. India has to increase its efforts in U.N to declare Pakistan as a terrorist state.

Strategically, India is on advantageous position. With immediate effect, India can simply violate the Indus water treaty signed in 1960 by our former prime minister J.L Nehru and then Pakistani president Ayub Khan. As per this treaty, control over the water flowing in three "eastern" rivers of India - the Beas, the Ravi and the Sutlej - with mean flow of 33 million acre-feet (MAF) was given to India, while control over the water flowing in three "western" rivers of India — the Indus, the Chenab and the Jhelum - with the mean flow of 80 MAF was given to Pakistan. The Indus is the largest river which only flows through a country without having its source located in the same territorial boundaries. The river plays an important role in providing water for agricultural in the breadbasket of Punjab and Sind. The Indus has also seen the construction of one of the most complicated irrigation systems in the world, covering large areas of Pakistan. Construction of dams also help in the production of electricity that plays an important role in powering Pakistan industries and towns. Blood and water cannot flow simultaneously and therefore, India has an option to draw curtain over this treaty which will bring Pakistan to its knees.

On internal front too, India has multiple option. we have to accept that a separate constitution of Jammu and Kashmir proved to be a hindrance in complete integration into Indian Union. Under article 370 of the Indian Constitution, it gives autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Main feature of Article 370 :- 
(1) Indian Parliament can not make any law without the consent of state Assembly 
(2) Jammu & Kashmir has its own flag and constitution 
(3) President rule can not be proclaimed in that state. Only Governor rule can be imposed 
(4) Jammu & Kashmir has its own Criminal code which name is Ranbir penal code

on top of this Article 370, Article 35A of the constitution empowers J&K legislature to define state's "permanent residents" and their special rights and privileges. It was added to the constitution through a presidential order of 1954 with the then J&K government's concurrence. Permanent residents law prohibits non-permanent residents from permanent settlement in the state, acquiring immovable property, govt jobs, scholarships and aid. Why should a state of the Indian Union have a special status? It conveys a wrong signal not only to Kashmiris but also to the separatists, Pakistan and indeed the international community that J&K is still to become integral part of India. India should abolish these special articles (Article 370 & 35A) with immediate effect.
Low income and high unemployment in the state is a resultant of these exclusive articles which have prohibited ownership of land by outsiders. No outsider can start business in J & K. Establishment of these articles will bring investment into the state from rest of the country and will generate employment and income. Development will reduce the conflict within internal society and will help in reducing militancy among local youth. Although BJP is in power and their primary agenda is to abolish article 370 but they have not been able to due to shortage of majority in upper house of parliament. Article 370 can be only abolished by constitutional amendment. The process for abolition of article 370 can be introduced in either House of the Parliament and it has to be passed by two third majority. It is the right time to correct past mistakes and all political parties have to unite for the unity and integrity of the nation.

Overall, India has to retaliate in a manner which Pakistan has not imagined. India has to make this war so expansive for Pakistan so that this country goes bankrupt. Once it happens, India should break Pakistan into thousand pieces in order to revenge Paki's slogan of bleeding India with thousand cuts. Only then the peace will prevail with this neighbor. 


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