Sujit Kumar Economist and Banker I recently came across a job advertisement for English teacher in a high school of Varanasi. It offered Rs 7000 per month salary for full-time teaching position. A high school teacher in private sector school being paid lesser than minimum wages notified by law for unskilled labour. The school offers to pay 2/3rd of what is notified as minimum wages for unskilled labour. It is not an outlier, but a usual occurrence Pan India-- a deeply disturbing reality of modern India. No nation can achieve greatness where teaching is valued below menial labour. What explains this sorry state of education sector? Economists will say it's simple play of demand-supply. Oversupply of teachers comes as lazy answer to mind. There are too many graduates chasing too few jobs, thus reducing the pay. I think there are two aspects to the oversupply. One is fewer job alternatives with economy absorbing lesser jobseekers than joining the workforce. Second is lack o...